
Yet again, my staff is Bullshit.

Complete and utter Bullshit. I've given my staff an ultimatum - post something about me this weekend or face my Wrath. My Wrath is something to be feared. It has a face, and its face is this:

Do as I say or face the consequences!

They have until this weekend. Or my Wrath will be unleashed. If you don't hear from them, that means they have suffered the Wrath.

(**Editor's note: Oh dear. Not the Wrath. Not again. We quiver before the mightiness of the Smeege. Or something).


Leigh said...

That is not a face I would want to mess with! You better do what he says ;)

e_nigma said...

That's right. Listen to your friend. Post or die.


EmpressJeneya said...

Have you killed them?
Meem, Peem, are you still there?

e_nigma said...

Tonight. I'm giving them until tonight. Then they die.
